Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Outreach

On Saturday, October 30th, we had by far the best outreach we've had in over a year of regular ministry in Isla Vista.

First we gathered at Daniel's church in downtown Santa Barbara. We had a worship service, shared communion, a meal, and listened to a few words given by Pastor Rudy and a few other team members.

After a few hours we were filled up and ready to go. The team consisted of various people UCRAVENSLO has met, including Pastor Young from Kenneth's church and about six or seven members of his congregation. From Santa Rosa (RAVEN WESTCOST) we had the Gonzalez family. From Santa Barbara we had the regular team that hits DP with a few guys who went out to evangelize for the first time.

We split up into two teams, one team was a team of drivers, the others were basically the "army" who got dropped off on the outskirts of Isla Vista and headed to Del Playa on foot. Amidst all the choas, we were able to drop everyone off, park the cars, and reunite both teams on Del Playa without too many problems. Once on Del Playa, we held up signs with simple messages. A direct quote from an individual that repented: "The sign convicted me, and the person holding the sign convinced me." The Gospel works, you don't have to sugar coat it.

1) Michelle
As soon as we held up the signs and started witnessing, preaching, and standing for the truth, a young girl named Michelle found us out there. She was lost, not only away from the Lord, but unsure of where she was and afraid of the intense party scene. She came into Maddie's (15 years old) arms crying. The Gonzo women huddled around her and comforted her and preached to her. They explained the truth of being a new creature in Christ and Michelle cried out to the Lord. After over an hour of sharing with her and praying with her we got her to my house, gave her a Bible, some food and water, and got somebody to drive into Isla Vista to pick her up and take her home. I can't help but wonder what would've happened to Michelle not only on that night but eternally if we weren't there.

2) Dale
Anthony was holding a sign about repentance, and Dale, a young man who had graduated from UCSB a few years earlier, was convicted by the sign and talked to Anthony. Dale had fallen away from the Lord and knew he needed to come back. After talking for awhile, the team huddled around Dale and prayed for him. We spent a long time witnessing to him and helping him with some issues. He broke out in tears and confessed his need to get right. On the streets his Sin started manifesting itself as he lashed out on those mocking the Lord. We were able to minister to him for most of the night and he's now in contact with one of our Raven team members on the East Coast.

Here we are praying for Dale.

Dale and the team after tears and prayers.

3) Jay
Jay spent some time with Gracie filling her in on his story. He had gotten back from Afghanistan, and overseas he was doing well with the Lord. As soon as he got back to the States, however, his friends became a negative influence in his life. Gracie called me over and I spent some time telling him about the darkness he's allowing himself to adjust to and told him that the Word would be the light to open his eyes. He completely agreed. I told him he needed to do something bold in front of his friends and get on his knees and pray with me to get right with the Lord. His direct quote was "Can't we do that at Church on Sunday?" I replied by saying, "If you're not willing to get right with God in this kind of environment you won't stay right with God in this kind of environment, you need to stand for him now." He then agreed and we got on our knees in front of his friends and prayed.

There were numerous other testimonies, I'm sure there were some I don't even know about. Logan shared a story of two girls repenting as soon as he held up a sign. Pastor Rudy had a story of a kid who started out argumentative eventually repenting and coming to the Lord. In addition, many people were witnessed to, many heard open air preaching, Gospel tracts were handed out to people. Seeds were planted everywhere, and a harvest of souls was also reaped.

At the end of the night, the team gathered together and prayed in the middle of Del Playa

What is the secret to successful ministry?
Faithful preaching of the Gospel

1 comment:

  1. gloria a Dios todopoderoso!!
    Glory to God the Almighty!!

    Preach the LIVING HOPE in an uncompromised way!

    -from the Paff's in Guadalajara.
